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Dec 2024
Talk LeSS Warsaw - From Conway’s Law to Cognitive Load: Rethinking Organizational Agility
We will dive into some ideas that have been trending in top management circles recently, which actually hinder organizational agility. We will explore, in a thought-provoking way, why these ideas might not be as great as they seem and how to challenge them with solid arguments. Topics we will explore include: Conway’s Law, Cognitive Load, Code Ownership, “Having to fix someone else’s shitty code at 2 am!”, The Flow. In this talk, Blazej will challenge the recently trending approach to designing organizations while engaging the audience interactively. Learn what better organizational design patterns you can use to improve your company’s agility in the era of rapid introduction of GenAI tools for software developers. Get ready for an exciting exchange of ideas and insights!
03 DEC 2024 14:00-14:30 CEST
ADN Conference Center Browary Warszawskie Building GH; Entrance B Grzybowska 56 Street 00-844 Warsaw Get your ticket at TalkLeSS.pl
Language English
Contact usMay 2024
Scrum Barcelona Meetup - Ideas that cripple organizations in 2024
We’ll dive into some ideas that have been recently trending in top management circles, that actually hinder organizational agility. We’ll explore in a thought provoking way why those ideas might not be as great as they seem and how to challenge them with solid arguments. Let’s explore topics like: -Conway’s Law -Cognitive Load -Code ownership -”Having to fix someone else’s shitty code at 2am!” -The Flow In this webinar, Blazej will challenge Viktor with intriguing questions while engaging the audience through interactive surveys. Get ready for an exciting exchange of ideas and insights!
21 MAY 2024 14:00-15:15 CEST
Online Subscribe at Meetup.com
Language English
Contact usApril 2024
Agile Swarming Conference - Ideas that cripple organizations in 2024
We’ll dive into some ideas that have been recently trending in top management circles, that actually hinder organizational agility. We’ill explore in a thought provoking way why those ideas might not be as great as they seem and how to challange them with solid arguments. Join if you’re interested in Organizational Design and talking with the c-level. Let’s explore topics like Code ownership Cogenitiv load Larman Laws and ”Having to fix someone else’s shitty code at 2am!”
18 APR 2024 16:00-16:45 CEST
Park Inn by Radisson ul. Monte Cassino 2 Krakow Register now!
Language English
Contact usMarch 2024
eXtreme Mob Programming Kata
We will meet in person in the same place but practice remote programming. You will learn tools and techniques that support distributed teams and give you an advantage while working remotely from home. We will develop an airline feature using agile practices and techniques helping us to shift left our development process. We will use a web browser remote IDE. We will code in Java and Cucumber. You will need A little programming experience (any programming language will do), Bring your laptop or computer with a mouse.
14 MAR 2024 18:00-21:00 CEST
Runroom C/Santa Eulàlia, 5-9, 3º, Barcelona Register now!
Language English
Contact usOctober 2023
Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) in NYC & Global: The "impossible" LeSS adoption in eCommerce (remote experience)
Hear about the inspiring journey of a kaikaku flip-forward that drastically improved buisness agility and invloved nine teams (136 people) at an e-commerce company in Poland. Learn how we moved away from the "modern" waterfall, component groups, siloed departments of architects, UX and CX, and a web of coordinators.
20 Oct 2023 18:00 PM 1h CEST
Online Subscribe at Meetup.com
Language English
Contact usSeptember 2023
2023 LeSS Conference Berlin: The "impossible" LeSS adoption in eCommerce (remote experience)
Hear about the inspiring journey of a kaikaku flip-forward that drastically improved buisness agility and invloved nine teams (136 people) at an e-commerce company in Poland. Learn how we moved away from the "modern" waterfall, component groups, siloed departments of architects, UX and CX, and a web of coordinators.
28 SEP 2023 11:30-12:30 CEST
Funkhaus Berlin - Nalepastr. 18 12459 Berlin 2023 LeSS Conference Berlin
Language English
Contact usNovember 2022
mBank ABCD Agile Conference
Head of Agile (mBank, T-Mobile, BNP Pariba, CD Project Red, PKO BP) Debate
9 NOV 2022
Warszawa, Poland mBank Centrala
Language Polish
Contact usOctober 2022
Piwo Między Projektami: Zwinni specjaliści. Wiele zespołów ich potrzebuje, ale jak zrekrutować wartościowego
Scrum Mastera lub Product Ownera?
Zwinni specjaliści. Wiele zespołów ich potrzebuje, ale jak zrekrutować wartościowego Scrum Mastera lub Product Ownera?
14 OCT 2022 17:00-21:30 CEST
Muzeum Armii Krajowej, ul. Wita Stwosza 12 Piwo Między Projektami Kraków
Language Polish
Contact usSeptember 2022
AgileByExample 2022 Warsaw:Product Coaching Dojo: eCommerce Sparring
On the workshops, you will have the opportunity to acquire key product management competencies practicing on real-life eCommerce case studies. Throughout the training, you can step into the role of a product coach, learning what great questions to ask when someone comes to you with a new idea.
26 SEP 2022 10:00 CEST
Warszawa, Poland agilebyexample.com
Language English
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2022 LeSS Conference Warsaw: Sprint Review - our tendency for irrelevant things
Let's discuss the crucial aspect of Sprint Review that is often overlooked due to our tendency to focus on irrelevant things. On the talk, you will have an opportunity to participate in a small aquarium simulation of a Sprint Review based on a real business case. Together, we observe and evaluate where and why we spend most of our time. Finally I'll share my LeSS experiment helping to tackle this problem!
22 SEP 2022 13:00 CEST
Palace of Culture and Science plac Defilad 1, 00-901 Warszawa, Poland 2022 LeSS Conference Warsaw
Language English
Contact usMay 2022
Piwo Między Projektami: Skąd się bierze lęk i agresja i jak reagować gdy zarządzasz zmianą?
Porozmawiajmy o zjawisku lęku, złości i agresji jaki pojawia się w Twojej organizacji podczas wprowadzania zmiany. Poruszymy jeden z największych tematów tabu dotyczących funkcjonowania organizacji, wymienimy się doświadczeniami, spostrzeżeniami i tym co nam pomaga w różnych trudnych sytuacjach podczas podważania statusu quo. Znajdź odpowiedzi na pytania: Czym są emocje? Dlaczego podczas zmiany spotykamy się ze złością i agresją? Jak radzić sobie z lękiem? Jak pomóc innym radzić sobie z lękiem?
20 May 2022 17:00-21:30 CEST
Błonia Bistro, Krakow Piwo Między Projektami
Language Polish
Contact usApril 2022
Agile Swarming: Product Coaching Dojo: eCommerce Sparring
7 Apr 2022 9:00 AM 3:30h CEST
Park Inn by Radisson ul. Monte Cassino 2 Krakow Join Agile Swarming conference
Language Polish
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Agile Swarming: Fear and Anxiety in organizations
6 Apr 2022 10:30 AM 2h CEST
Park Inn by Radisson ul. Monte Cassino 2 Krakow Join Agile Swarming conference
Language Polish
Contact usMarch 2022
unWebinar: CODING ESCAPE ROOM with FesLe
Do you know how to code? Do you want to meet, talk and have some fun? We're in London in the year 1889. There's a mystery to solve. Help us! It's time to code.. Join a CODING ESCAPE ROOM with FesLe. Take part in this virtual icebreaker and have some fun!
1 Mar 2022 4:30 PM 1h CEST
Online Subscribe at Meetup.com
Language English
Contact usOctober 2021
AgileByExample: XP Dojo for Dev-Teams
11 Oct 2021
Online Get a ticket
Language English
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AgileByExample: How to recruit for Agile roles?
11 Oct 2021
Online Get a ticket
Language English
Błażej Drobniuch, Tomasz Morański,
Contact usJuly 2021
FesLe unWebinar: SAFe nie jest Agile!
SAFe nie jest Agile! ...ale dlaczego? ..bo się oddalił od agile? ..bo znani agilowcy tak mówią? ..bo tam chodzi o certy? Dołącz do dyskusji o znaczeniu SAFe dla Scrum i Agile. Będziemy rozmawiać o ogólnym sukcesie rynkowy SAFe oraz dlaczego jest on wybierany przez duże firmy doradcze. Poruszymy przykłady udanych i nieudanych implementacji w firmach na całym świecie. A co sądzicie o pomyśle na mix: SAFe, LeSS, Nexus i Spotify? :)
21 Jul 2021 4:30 PM 1h CEST
Online Subscribe at Meetup.com
Language Polish
Błażej Drobniuch, Michal Januszewski
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Women in Agile: Free yourself nad move your organization level up
We want to work as change agents in our organization, but we don’t feel empowered to do the first step. Is it because the organization doesn’t support us, or is it because our internal barriers and convictions stop us? I want to tell my story from an unconfident girl to a mentor for Leaders. It was a difficult battle I had to fight with myself, but in the end, it is inner freedom, independence, and belief in potential. Learning objectives: awareness of our internal barriers and convictions three coaching tools that you could start using to empower yourself
18 Jul 2021 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM CEST
Online: Women in Agile 2021: Renew
Contact usJune 2021
FesLe unWebinar: Źle to zrobił! Przekołczuje go. (Kim jest coach i
kiedy używać coachingu w roli managera.)
Dlaczego od managera oczekuje się umiejętności coachingowych? Kiedy warto wejść w rolę coacha, a kiedy powinniśmy jej unikać?
22 June 2021 19:30 PM CET 60min
Online. Subscribe using Contact Form put "Coach" in the "Leave a message" field.
Language Polish
Contact usMay 2021:
FesLe unWebinar: That's NONE of your business! (When Developers
take ownership of your product)
This is a story about building features nobody used! This is a story about a client who complained: "Why are things so complicated? Why can't you just do what we want?"! Interested? Find out how BDD can help and if there is a happy end.. Join our next FesLe unWebinar with our special guest Andreas Worm who is a Java, React, Quality, Automation Agile Generalist practicioner.
26 May 2021 6:00 PM CET 60min
Online. Subscribe using Contact Form put "BDD" & in the "Leave a message" field.
Language English
Błażej Drobniuch, Andreas Worm
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Ponad hierarchią. Jak kreować partnerską współpracę z managerem?
Pracowałaś/eś kiedyś z kierownikiem, który swoim zachowaniem potrafił Cię zdemotywować i uprzykrzać Ci życie, zamiast pomagać? Chcesz coś zrobić, ale czujesz, że to przecież Twój kierownik i to nie Ty masz mu mówić, co ma robić.
20 May 2021 6:30 PM CET 60min
Online Subscribe at Meetup.com
Language Polish
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FesLe unWebinar: Performance Review - happy manager or happy
The impact on motivation, culture & the never-ending questions: Is it about the money? Is it about self-development?
WED 12 May 2021 6:00 PM CET 60min
Online add to Google calendar
Language Polish
Marzena Zaziąbł Błażej Drobniuch Tomasz Morański
Contact usApril 2021:
FesLe unWebinar: User Stories GONE WRONG!
Free Open FesLe Webinar! Join, hear and share your own life stories on FAIL User Stories.
21 April 2021 6:00 PM CET 45min
Online Join Zoom Meeting
Błażej Drobniuch Marek Gronowski
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Agile Swarming: See, measure and learn - how to benefit from VSM
Have you noticed that your organization or team does not evolve and learn as quickly as they could? Without a second thought, do they struggle with the same issues? You see that they are stuck, but you don’t have tangible data to show it?
15 April 2021
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DareIT: Learning process in an agile environment
Why is the retrospective a popular and inseparable element of an agile environment? How to plan and lead it effectively? How can you start leading retrospectives without working in IT?
8 April 2021
Contact usMarch 2021:
ALE Kraków: XP Dojo for Dev-Teams
ALE Kraków open event www.alekrakow.com
18 March 2021 1:00 PM - 4:30PM CET
Workshop details Contact us